Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why I still favour Yahoo ...

In the past few months I've been looking for an alternative to my existing Yahoo web hosting plans. Not that there's anything wrong with Yahoo - I just wanted to not have all my eggs in one basket.

Although there are some niggling faults with Yahoo web hosting - like the fact that you can only have a certain number of sites on one username or credit card - the overwhelming benefits still outweigh other systems that I've come across.

The complicated nature of some website creation software is just crazy - and although I've found sites with great templates - they don't have the flexibility to create the sort of website that visitors will like that's easy to change and update.

The closest thing I've found, that I like almost as much as Yahoo, is using Blogger or Wordpress to create information sites. Again they both have limitations, but are designed for the non-technically minded to be able to update and use. I first found out about them from Rob Benwell's "Blogging to the Bank" - and whilst my success in making money with blogging is far more modest than Rob's - his information on how to set up a Blog that the search engines like and can find is very useful.

You'll find that both Blogger and Wordpress are free to use - though they are not without their problems - it's not unknown for your blog to disappear overnight because it is considered spam!

That notwithstanding, by following some simple rules, you can find that they offer a really good alternative to the usual web site hosting plans that you can find on the internet.

Affordable web site hosting plan


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